MAY 28TH AT 6:30PM
In order for a PTA to function for the following year,
we must have a President, Treasurer and Secretary.
As of April 9th, we are still looking for a Treasurer candidate. If you or someone you know are interested please fill out a nomination form or reach out the nomination committee chair
Time to Nominate a new PTA Executive Board
Please consider serving on the PTA Board for the 2024 - 2025 school year - what a great way to get involved and help make a difference! You may also nominate someone to a position, and the nominating committee will contact the individual.To serve on the PTA Board, you must be a PTA member for at least 30 days prior to elections. If you wish to become a member at this time, membership envelopes are in the office. The following are Board positions and a brief description of main duty. Thank you in advance for your interest.
Click here to submit a nomination
President |
Coordinate the work of officers and committees of the association in order that the objectives may be promoted. Preside at all meetings. |
Executive Vice President |
Fill in for President in their absence. Work closely with the President. |
Recording Secretary |
Take minutes of the association’s meetings. |
Hospitality |
Coordinate PTA-hosted breakfasts/luncheons and other events involving hospitality. |
Programs |
Develop and suggest potential assemblies to the Principal and the Executive Board. |
Membership |
Attract the Los Cerritos parents/community to join the PTA through events, activities, etc. Manage members and submit names and dues to state/national PTA |
Fundraising |
Coordinate fundraising activities, including suggestions for the year’s fundraisers. |
Room Parent Coordinator |
Coordinate Room Parent Communications and support Room Parents throughout the year |
Communications |
Create and distribute weekly e-newsletter, update website to reflect events/programs throughout the year and coordinate communications between school, PTA and parents. |
Treasurer |
Keep permanent books of accounts and records. Ready books for auditing. |
Financial Secretary |
With the president or Ex. VP, sign all check request authorizing the expenditures of funds following approval by the association. Keep balance of budgeted items. |
Historian |
Shall assemble and preserve a record of activities, achievements and volunteer hours of the associations |
Auditor |
Audit the books and financial records of the association semiannually or whenever deemed necessary. |
Coming Soon!
Mrs. Ramos' Newsletters
Donations are always welcome! You can even choose to make small payments every month - Just select Monthly Payments.
All PTA videos and updates are posted on our
LosCerritos_PTA Instagram!
We are always looking for volunteers to lead events or just help out. Any amount of time or help you can provide is appreciated. Check out the Event pages for their individual sign up sheets to see where you can help. Google forms are also sent via email via the Room Parents!
Thank you to our Corporate Sponsors!